A (horror) movie about a girl who inherits an old house and visit it with a group of her firends

They get in house and shortly after they meet a blonde man who might be taking care of the house or sth like that and gives them some info. House a bit creepy very old at least 2 storey with wood window covers. And if I remember right theres probably some kind of a ghots a woman in a white dres luring people one by one, this part Im not very sure. I watched this movie when I was about 10 and never forgot these about it. Its very old movie maybe 90s or before.

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Maybe one of the House movies? There are 4 of them. I have only seen the first one.

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Another thought could be April’s fool day. I know it is a little different but a girl does get a house. She lures her friends there. I don’t remember the condition of the house but it needed work. I don’t remember a ghost but there is some other things that may be considered haunted.

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Could it be “Texas Chainsaw (2013)”?

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