A few years ago I stumbled across a movie on youtube, I can’t remember the title but it was a movie that was mostly animated but would occasionally show real footage as well. It wasn’t in english but had english subtitles, the scene I can remember the most is one of the early ones where a herd of what looked like either red deer or elk were jumping over a canyon on their migratory route and our main character was just a little foal/baby at the time, when he had jumped the canyon he watched his mother deer/elk fall down the canyon and just sat there crying while the rest of the herd kept moving eventually leaving him alone, after that he became friends with i think it was a bird and another animal, an underground one like a mole i think, I can’t remember much else other than a scene where the same main character reunites with his friend from the herd when they’re older around an area with hot geysers erupting as the herd is migrating once again, I’d really appreciate if someone has seen this movie and remembers the title