A swashbuckler

(Asking on behalf of my Mum.) A swashbuckling sea adventure film whose main characters are a sea captain, a blonde, pale, tall, thin and fanatical vicar, and his pretty wife. The latter two are taken by sea by the former to a faraway location (possibly in the Caribbean) to convert the locals; on the journey, the captain, who strums a violin like a guitar, falls for the wife, and warns them of the dangers that they will face if and when they arrive (e.g. diseases.) They ignore him and stay when they get there; the captain returns months or years later, and when he asks the reverend where his wife is, the reverend replies, “I killed her” (I.e. I put her in danger which led to her death by disease/childbirth.) The captain punches him in anger, but then takes care of the reverend, now old and broken, for his wife’s sake. It was seen in either the late 1990s or early 2000s, and so probably came out around then.

Any guesses very much appreciated.


It’s from the 1960s but otherwise it’s similar