An interesting movie that I forgotten

Help me find this movie: Maybe a kind of psychological horror movie that ended with the protagonist in a hospital, he imagines all the plot of the movie. In addition, this movie was segmented in subplots that the protagonist investigated, and he had a trauma with a kid of his past and a sewer the elements of the plot that the protagonist dreamt were things that were in his hospital room. For example, the janitor of the room was one of the characters in one of the subplots. For example, one of the subplots was about a kid with a lot of strange drawings in his bedroom. I think that other subplot was that the protagonist was like a security officer. It all ended up being the memories and trauma of the protagonist (who was a kind of psychologist that was a fan of other psychologist that he watches on tv), and his biggest trauma was that another kid entered to a sewer instead of him and that kid never came back or something like that. It’s not a very old movie, I saw it in a cinema around 2012-2019 I think.


It is! thank you very much :DD


Is it Ghost Stories?