This is a USA movie that like 7 USA americans soldiers are in a woods with 2 taliban childs tied up to trees, and they are deciding to let them scape, but they are aware that they can go to ask for help for the taliban militars. This woods are in front of a city near in the front that have some talibans militars of maybe afganistan militars. After a usa soldier let this child scape, the child run to the near city and ask for help and the taliban soldiers go to kill the USA soldiers in the woods, and some USA soldiers are angry for forgive the life of the child. The USA soldiers began to walk and still shoot the talibans , they get of the woods and still shooting the taliban all the way in the scape, but many of them die
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“Lone Survivor” (2013)?
There are not seven, but only four US soldiers, more precisely Navy SEALs, but other than that it fits your description.