Boy shouts at monster to bite him

There’s this one movie I’ve searched high and low and now I’m seriously beginning to doubt my sanity and memories as a child (90s kid). There are only two scenes i remember but they’ve always stuck with me. One where a boy shouts at a monster? “Bite me!” Because he literally has to get him to bite him for some reason. And the other scene was a small talking brass head with spider legs was being crushed by a metal clamp as a form of torture to get information out of him. The clamp looks like a clamp attached to a table? Like a vise clamp it you google it.

This movie has a lot of the aesthetics you would see in late 80s early 90s kids movies if that helps. Thanks.


In this one there is a small talking head with spider legs.

Here in this topic you can see a screenshot of the spider leg head (click the first link below in the grey window):