Another movie I’ve watched just a bit on TV when I was a child. So up to 2008.
It’s a movie about a girl with a magic pencil whose drawings come to life. I seem to have only watched the ending.
The girl, who seemed to be a primary school child or first years of junior high, seems by the end of the movie to have drawn herself a new face, I think, which is either a pretty face or the face of a schoolmate whose famous or something, because thanks to this, she gets to be an important actress on a shooting set, the scene they’re shooting is about a couple coming to her, telling her they’re her parents but then she can’t tell her line, I think, so they try to get her to remember it by saying, “What about you? How are you?” But then, the girl gets sad, I think while leaving she cries “You’re not my parents/mother”, she can’t take this anymore, she gets back home and confesses to her best friend/sibling that she does not want to fake her life like this so she gets them to redraw her face just as it was, but that whole scene may just be my imagination. What I know for sure is the next scene, it’s the ending, everything came back to normal and they decide to not use the magic pencil for anything that may have dire consequences. And so she draws roller skates on both their feet, hers and her friend’s. I distinctly remember the shot, the feet are in center of the frame, and the roller skates fade in, AKA the shot without the skates gets replaced slowly with the shot with the skates. And they both roll off. THE END.
Thank you in advance for your help.