Comedy where man and woman start flirting with each other

Genre: Comedy
Year: 1990’s at the latest
A married man and a married woman, while on holiday, meet and slowly they are getting to know each other, and they start flirting with each other in front of the other guests. The other guests at the holiday resort are not comfortable with this and the situation starts turning into scandalous. At the end of the movie the man and the woman confess to the others that they are husband and wife, they are married to each other and the flirting was just a game for fun. It is a lighthearted comedy.

Thank you for your help!

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This has been done in a lot of movies and tv. From the 90s all I can think of is a scene from When a Man loves a woman. But it has so much more to the film so I am not sure if this is it.

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