Dad is driving kids away to rescue from danger/end of world but it's actually all in his head

Desperately trying to remember this movie and have tried googling everything I can think of. I watched it within the last 2-3 years and I think it was fairly new at the time. Likely on Netflix, I don’t remember it being very popular or getting great reviews.

There is a Dad who is desperately trying to rescue his children (I think there’s two boys) from some kind of danger. I believe he thinks it’s the end of the world because of a virus or something similar. But he basically has to kidnap them because the Mum and potentially I remember police being involved, are all saying it’s all in the man’s head and really nothing is happening.

I remember they are driving through some remote landscape maybe a field and some sort of dirt path and at one point they’re hiding out in an abandoned house. I can’t remember how it ended or whether it turned out the danger was real or imagined. Any ideas??

Encounter (2021)?

Googled: movie|film+father|dad+kidnaps|kidnapping+kids|children+virus