Granddad becomes a werewolf and boy hides in oven

I’m looking for a movie from the 70s or 80s approximately It’s a werewolf and was originally on VHS Cassette.

Granddad becomes a werewolf and boy hides in oven.

grandson is visiting with granddad in a small town. staying in a cabin.

they are walking into town one night and are attacked by werewolf. granddad fights it

off and werewolf falls on grandads broken cane and is killed. or some other piece of

wood. maybe white post from side of road.

grandad starts to turn into werewolf and asks kid to lock him in shed. The kid does, but

the werewolf gets out and comes looking in house. the kid hears the werewolf coming

and leaves the bedroom, he hides behind (or in) the oven in kitchen and the werewolf

goes into kids room and tears the bed apart looking for him then leaves. walks right past

where the kid hid hiding in oven.

Thank you for reading this.

Any help is appreciated.




Another guess:
This one has a lot of similarities to your description, but it is not the grandfather, but the father who becomes the werewolf. You can watch the full movie on YouTube here, ca. at the 0:36:43 mark starts the scene where the boy hides behind the oven from the werewolf:

Detailed plot summary on Wikipedia here: