Help me find a movie that i THINK is a rom-com?

movie with a middle eastern female lead (last name was hussein). she meets this blond white guy at a public protest. she was holding up a sign that said "pssies against the patriarchy" and the men were holding up signs that said “MENstruation” or something like that and then the two go on a date at some restaurant. she goes to his house and he shows some neon art project of like footballs idk. i also remember the lead went to her rich mothers house and i think the mom was attempting to get her to date a guy she didn’t want to and she went to the kitchen to serve tea and put on an apron with a crudely drawn dck on it which said "does this dck make my rights look bigger? that’s pretty much all i remember. i think the lead worked some kind of office job. i watched like 10 minutes of this movie on a cruise