Horror film about a doll boy. At the end it is revealed that his father was also a puppet (like Billy the puppet)

I watched the film when i was a child so i only remember the ending. There was a toilet and inside of it was a picture of a puppet doll with a newborn doll or smth like that. The whole film was about a boy-doll. Don’t really remember anything else

“The Boy” (2016)?

No, I believe that happened like more than 10 years ago

Could it be dead silence? You cant remember what the doll looks like?

I tried this one and the doll is quite similar to one in my memory. Though the toilet scene is not there

According to the movie’s Wikipedia page, there are alternate scenes for the movie. There is an alternate ending to the movie, where it is revealed that the father was a puppet. Maybe you saw the alternate ending? Here is a quote from the movie’s Wikipedia page:
In an alternate ending, Ella simply knocks Jamie out after he discovers his father was a puppet all along.

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I’ll check them, thanks!