Horror movie from the 70s/80s

Ok this might be a bit of a longshot as I only ever saw the beginning of the movie and it was years ago (I watched this on Tv around the mid 90s). It was possibly a hammer horror movie, or at least that era.
Basically the movie started and it showed various people dying, but they were all dying in different ways, I think one fell down the stairs for example (others possibly hanging, drowning etc), I’m not sure if they were being murdered or just accidents but it was several people dying in a variety of ways. I have a feeling it might have been the start of a haunted house style movie but not 100%
If anyone has any ideas it would be greatly appreciated, this has been bugging my for years. Thanks!

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Just want to add that all the deaths are taking place in the same house, its like an old manor house or something, and thats why i am thinking it could be a haunted house movie poss from the 70s.

Nobody have any ideas? I understand theres not much to go on though…

The Haunting (1963)?
Several deaths in a house, including falling down the stairs.

No don’t its that, think those deaths happen throughout the movie whereas the one I’m thinking of it shows you all these deaths as an introduction to story. Thanks for the input though!!

Knew this would be a tough one…
I’m sure this was 70s or early 80, I definitely watched it early to mid 90s and believe it was on British Tv. Not sure if it was British or American, definitely one or the other I imagine, and the reason I think it was a haunted house movie is I believe this opening was explaining why the house was haunted, as so many people had died there. They all die in the opening few mins. Its not The Haunting, House on Haunted Hill or 13 Ghosts…

was it a dubbed movie? it sounds a bit like a bay of blood directed by Mario Bava

Not sure don’t think so but I really don’t know so I will check that out now, thank you!!

No its not the Mario Bava one but thank you!! Sure this was around 70s… Thinking it may be British like an old Hammer horror but really not sure about that. I only saw the opening of the movie, all these random deaths happened in the first few minutes.

Anyone have any other suggestions? This is a hard one, especially because I only saw the first few mins as a child.

The House of the Dead (AKA Alien Zone) has a hanging and a mortician telling how various people died.