I am looking for a movie I was watching some years ago and wanted to watch again but can’t remember the name nor any actors of the film as I was watching it already very tired.
It was about a guy coming out of prison. He was in prison because he did not whistle blow others. As he came out he called his ex boss and whatever happened then he went on payback and somehow killed the brother of the ex boss. Of course the ex boss then wanted to kill him.
The main actor found an accommodation which was an old factory building. His neighbour was a nice lady - as expected and I think she lived in a caravan, but I am not really sure anymore.
In this movie there were also drugs and in the I think it was the final scene the guy was on drugs by getting an injection from an enemy. He almost died but succeeded to fight them.
I hope this short description helps to find the right movie…
Many thanks for your help