Movie 2005s in USA man 25 years old hacker but studied Computer Engineering bachelor,he has a laptop with him all the time while he walking streets of urban elegant city tall buildings,airplaine is locating him,beautiful white girl that is friend with him

This is a movie around of the year 2000 to 2010 and in USA that is a blond man , tall heigh, he looks young with 25 years old, he is a hacker, he studied the bachelor degree in Computer Science, he knows to program software. He is in the street in a big urban city with skycrapers and very tall building while he is walking with his laptop and an airplane is using location software to looking for him. He is in trouble because he is using his abilities to steal money or show the truth about a secret of a enterprise of the government. A girl with 25 years old is with him , she is his friend. He always carry a laptop doing programing things in the street when he is stopping sometimes he sits in elegant and neat floor color black of a corridor between elegants buildings to use his laptop when communicating with other person with a cellphone or radio, or internet and continues to walk. All the time in the movie i remember is only he and the woman and other few people men enemys. Allmost all the time this man hacker is the main character.This film look great scenes, professional cinema like a movie exhibed in theaters in USA, medium budget.

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There is a lot of movies about hackers, just a wild guess, maybe?:
“Hackers” (1995)

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net 2.0?

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