Movie about two cops, one of them has a daugther that teams up with the other cop. One cop has a neck tattoo

So my girlfriend told me about a movie she saw when she was younger and didn’t know the name of. It’s two cops, kind of infiltrated but one of them has a daughter whom the other cop is working with to catch her dad/his co-worker as he has done something bad. She said she remembers one of them having a neck tattoo and in the end the both of them are in a shootout at a shack (?) I asked about “The Departed” which is from 2006 and she said that it is definetly more recent than that. Thank you guys for your help, I really want to surprise her!

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Possibly “Dragged Across Concrete” (2018)
with Mel Gibson

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“End Of Watch” (2012)

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