Movietitle-help! about a boy who don't speak!

I am looking for a film I haven’t even seen, just read about it a time ago on the internet somewhere. All I think I remember is that the title was something about “the boy who didn’t talk/speak” (or didn’t want to?) or maybe the title was just the boys name. I don’t remember at all and I have googled all morning, believe it maybe was based on a book, it maybe was a TV movie or maybe not… The boy was pretty young, I thought at first he was played by Scott Colomby or Billy Jayne, but it seems not to be one of them. So that was a dead end. I also think the cover of the film was in a greenish colour, if that helps. Set somewhere late 70s-mid 90s. I hope someone knows what I am talking about and can help me out! (sorry if my english isn’t very good). Thanks! (the film was american or brittish).


Run Wild, Run Free from 1969?


Or maybe The Boy Who Could Fly?


After many months of serching I manage to find out that the movie I was looking for is “Love Baxter!” (1973). I did sure mess and mix things up in my description of the movie (sorry!). But many thanks to you all that helpt me out! And it was not for nothing, I watched “And your name is Jonah” and I loved it! Many recommends! Gonna try and find “Love Baxter!” so I finally can watch that one :smile:


Hoping The Perks of Being a Wallflower might be it–

Movie based on a book with a title that implies not talking. Poster has a boy wearing a shirt and blazer with a greenish background and the film is set in the early 1990s.

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…And Your Name is Jonah (1979)?

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