Old Animated Christmas movie with Animals

For context, the movie I’m looking for is not the Rudolph 1998 movie but I watched them around the same time, between 1998-2001 but the movie could be older than Rudolph. I remember it was animated in a similar way (old disney style) but not anything by disney (i did have a look through some lists already). The movie definitely has animals as the main characters, I remember bears but I could be wrong. Honestly all I remember is that they were in this little cottage with snow all around and the bears (?) had to go outside for some reason and it was around christmas time or at the very least there was snow. One more thing, I was living in Poland when I saw the movie so I have no idea if it was originally an english language production like Rudolph because like Rudolph it was most likely dubbed for the children so this could be some obscure Slavic thing never to be found again. I was a child when I saw the film so take all details I recalled with a grain of salt.

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Let’s try a couple: Jack Frost:

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The Bears who saved Christmas:

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The Little Bear (there’s a series and a movie):

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Last guess: Santa and the three Bears:

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I guess it is not A Very Merry Pooh Year (Puchatkowego Nowego Roku in Polish)?

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