On the Hunt for a Unique Sci-Fi Indie Film About Building a Robot

Hey everyone,

I’ve got a bit of a movie mystery on my hands, and I’m hoping your minds can help crack it. I’m looking for a sci-fi indie film, and despite diving deep into the usual databases and lists, I’ve come up empty. Here’s what’s stuck with me about it:

The core of the story is about an older, lonely man who builds himself a robot. We’re not talking AI in a sleek, humanoid shell; this thing is all gears, wires, and vintage charm, kind of like an automaton. The movie takes its time showing us the build, from the robot’s head first, later the rest of the body as the days pass.

After the robot’s all set up, it gets sent out to do everyday errands, shopping being one of them. Dialogue’s on the scarce side, making every scene feel more impactful. It’s like the silence speaks volumes. Aesthetically, it screams '80s or '90s, but for all I know, it could be a newer indie film paying homage to that era. If I remember correctly, the robot will eventually look like him.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?

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The Outer Limits episode “Simon Says”:


Probably not the right one, this one is too new, but maybe?:
“Brian and Charles” (2022)

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Hi! Unfortunately, that’s not the movie I’m looking for. The film I have in mind is at least 10, maybe even 15 years old, or it could be older. The robot’s head from “Brian and Charles” does look similar to the one I have in mind, though. Thank you for trying!


robot and frank

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No, it’s an older, more indie film. The robot looks like those 19th century automaton mechanical robots. Thanks in any case.

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