Pieces? Horror? Old movie, not chainsaw, not eyes without face, or silence of lambs

I specifically remember a movie from over a decade ago. All I can recall is the mother and daughter had an accident (unsure if it’s shown, don’t believe so.) mom is in bed with bandages with deformed face. Daughter can walk but also deformed. Daughters birthday asks dad for breasts for birthday. Dad interviews women actors? Models? Asks a woman what happened to her nose to be informed she had a nose job. Man gets upset but instead sees breasts and kills woman takes breasts goes shows daughter in zip lock baggy. Man puts unneeded parts in acid. Slowly killing people and trying to reconstruct family. Movie from before 2010. Unpopular movie? Can not find anywhere. Even asked reddit…helppp

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There is a movie Pieces from a long time ago but it doesn’t exactly fit description:

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