Please help me find a disturbing episode of a detective series

A man in his 20s/30s lives alone in a 2nd or 3rd story apartment and is stalked and harassed by an unknown person. His mother hanged herself when he was a kid and the memory has traumatized him the rest of his life. Somebody keeps leaving dolls with mini nooses tied around their necks outside his door. He reports this to a detective (who happens to be the main character of this show/movie). One night there’s a knock at his door, he goes out to investigate and find a few more dolls with nooses around their necks. When he tries to walk back inside an unseen person leaps out and pushes him over the balcony.

While I could not say for certain that this was not a film, my best guess is that it was an episode of a British detective or crime series, possibly a mini series. I watched it on TV sometime in the early 2000s in the Republic of Ireland, most likely on BBC, ITV or Channel 4.

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