a group of teenage friends killed a black girl and hid the body under a big stone, they took turns killing the black girl using a rock. they did this because the black girl turns out to be 2 faced girl and she’s cheating with one of her girlfriend boyfriend. and they killed her at the woods (at night)
after a few years when they’re all grown up, they received a letter to go to the woods where they kill the black girl. and they all came, but then they got killed one by one, but we dont know who the killer is, and i remember the killer was a white woman with a ginger hair and she looks super innocent. i actually didnt expect she’s the killer.
but i forgot why she did the revenge on behalf of the dead black girl, if im not wrong she adopted the black girl… ive been looking for this series for a long long time, i watched it on netflix, but i dont remember whats the title of this series:sob: i hope u guys know:pray:t2: