Robin Hood animated movie of which I have the DVD cover

Hi. I have the DVD of the Burbank Animation Studios TV animated movie Robin Hood from 1985, which you can watch here :

The problem I have is the DVD box’s cover, whose art style is completely different to the movie’s, and the story synopsis on the back provides plot details which are not present in the actual film, so I wonder if the box was somehow switched with the wrong one when it was sold, it was bought many years ago and not by me so it’s impossible to trace it back that way.

(Granted, it is possible the cover is a cover-up, I do happen to have some Jetlag Productions DVDs whose covers are very clean and smooth compared to the actual movie, though they still reflect its overall actual art style.)

Would you be able to identify if my theory is correct and this is the cover of another actual Robin Hood animated movie, please?

Link to a high quality PNG of the cover : robinhood.png - Google Drive

Translation of the synopsis : “Meet the famous Robin Hood, who steals from the rich to give to the poor, in a whole new adventure. He fights against the Sheriff of Nottingham, who has stolen the crown jewels and joined forces with the vikings. Will the kingdom of England fall into the hands of the evil sheriff and his mercenaries?”

here is the selling of the actual dvd that has a pic of an alternate cover too. it seems this cover is a direct rip of the “van gool” version of the french robin hood book with the girl added into the waterfall

possibly, or it is all a bait and switch cover like some studios do here, but those are region 2 i believe, so i have no way to check. you can google image search the viking one and see what pops up.