Saw this when i was a kid, idk if i'm remembering 2 movies in 1 or if this is all 1 movie

main scene i remember- young girl dragged out into a forest & a red ribbon in her hair gets caught in a tree.

a young woman goes into the same forest (it might’ve been a village in the woods) doing something, comes across a cabin. the little girl from the beginning shows up & there’s a big cut on her leg. she doesn’t answer, never speaks. when the woman puts a wet rag on the gash, she gets visions. there’s a goat, i think it gets sacrificed. the girl runs off & she chases her. i think the little girl is in danger but she tries to find her & keep her safe. she later discovers the little girl has supernatural abilities. she can control insects (bees or wasps) there’s someone after her & she attacks him with her abilities & ends up protecting the woman too. the end scene is her driving away with the girl & she places her hand on the woman’s stomach & says its a boy(or girl)

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the movie your thinking of might be the shrine 2010

found out that the movie is called, The reaping 2007