Scifi / fantasy movie, red in the title, conspiracy and murder?

I’ll data dump whatever I can seem to remember.

The title was something like “Red _____”. Part of me wants to say it was a light source, like Red Candle or Red Sun, part of me wants to say it was Red Queen or other royalty / title.

It was shown on TV, may have been made for TV. It was at least two parts as I tried to record it as a kid. It was shown on TV then between 1990 and 1999 and not on cable, so ABC / CBS / NBC / PBS / Fox.

I seem to remember some kind of murder / assassination attempt using a worm in a bed.

It was sci-fi in that it wasn’t our reality, but I seem to remember more along the lines of clothing that suggested like a Robin Hood / medieval fantasy setting.

White Dwarf (1995)?


  1. Googled: movie|film+sci-fi+assassinate|assassination+worm+bed|sleeping

  2. story identification - Sci-fi film or TV-show including aliens, worm forced into feet or mouth - Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange