Title of 2000-something Thriller about man/cop who got shot

I am looking for the title of a tv movie or tv show from around 2000-2005, that Isaw as a child. The main character was a guy that after being shot in the head became emotionless and extremely rational, which sort of was a medical condition, caused by a certain area of his brain being hit by a bullet. He might or might not have been a cop/detective, who got shot on duty. Eventually after recovering he is asked by a female cop/detective to help solve a case that might have involved finding the person that shot him. Or he was asked to help out on some complicated case, since his medical condition (extreme rationality) made him a great asset on that case, I am uncertain on that. Somehow I remember the main character looking like Guy Pearce.
In some of the last scenes the female cop gets shot. The main character finds her seriously wounded, possibly dying. But since he cant express or feel emotions, he tries to comfort her rationally. Something along:
Woman: I think I’m gonna die.
Man: We all gonna die.
Woman: I am afraid.
Man: We are all afraid.

Please help me out on this one! It’s been driving me nuts for way too long.

Touching Evil (2004)?



That’s the one! Thank you so much!