TV USA series of normal era in 2000s man 30 years old that knows the future and coexist and talking to the 30 years old third antichrist wearing suit and looks short well combed red hair. The man that knows future try prevent succesful of third antichrist

This is a tv series of USA filmed in the year 2000s . The story occurs in the normal era of 2000s in a urban city in USA of a man of 30 years old that knows the future and lives in the same city of a man that is the third antichrist of 30 years old that wears always a suit maybe also use a tie, he is maybe a politician. Both men are white americans. The antichrist have short well combed hair.
The man that know the future tries every new episode to prevent the succesful of the antichrist. Not CGI allmost all time.


Maybe Revelations?